What Makes DeepStats Better
Built by passionate players and innovative thinkers that place quality and performance improvement over everything else.
Built For...
DeepStats is specifically built for and tailored to College and High ShcoolTeams, Elite Juniors, and Players that take improvement seriously
Our belief is that performance analysis is evolving, and golf apps should evolve as well. We offer innovative features that will streamline your time and provide you deep analytics
Go Deep...
Several apps provide strokes gained. We go way beyond strokes gained to provide our users with real insights and performance data
You have to know how you stack up against players at levels above you so you will know what it will take to get there. Set goals and visualize how you are meeting those goals
Real Improvement
Set Goals. Enter Data. Measure Performance Precisely!
DeepStats has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide Elite Junior Players, College Players, and all Serious Players with precise data and analytics on what is working and what needs improvement within their game! Set your goals and let DeepStats color-coded analytics guide you to better golf!