DS.G Course Specific Stats
After a round has been played, DS.G offers the ability to view details about that round. By touching the Rounds button at the bottom of the main page, every round played will be presented. The table provides high level details about each round, including Score, Score to Par, Holes Played, Strokes Gained by Category, Round Type, Hole Score %, FW and GIR, Accuracy, Feet of Putts Made, Number of Putts, 1/2/3 Putt %, Proximity to Hole, Scrambling %, Save %, Number of Sins. Players can sort by touching the column heading on any column.
If a Player touches the Round Name, they are taken to a detailed statistics page for that round where they can view charts, graphs and data for that round. Additionally, all charting and filtering features are available at the round level.